Monday, May 18, 2020

Questions On Lingering Racial And Ethnic Discrimination

Saif Abdulqader Ethics 21333 /MW 1:30-2:50 Reflection Lingering racial and ethnic discrimination continues to strain the bonds that hold us together. It is the time we set our minds to achieving dream of true equality. The (ICGA): Islamic Center Great Austin, is a nonprofit organization, that aims at helping refugees meet their needs, and fit into the society which they encounter for the first time. As a part of Muslim community, I volunteered in translating for these refugees, as they have language barriers especially when they have to make a medical appointment or something urgent that requires full understanding. In the service learning, which I did in ICGA in Austin TX I learned†¦show more content†¦Once they’re treated from their pain, their smiles cannot be described in words. They looked at food as if it was something coming from another world. â€Å"Happiness is the sole end of human action, and the promotion of it the test by which to judge of all human conduct.†(Standford Encyclopedia, Juan Mill, Happine ss).It was so tragic, I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. What type of humanity is that? How could terrorism result in all these victims? Why? What is the purpose? Once we could see the happiness in their eyes this is like the feeling of owning entire world by itself. Kant perceived the issue from a different perspective through which one can accomplish perfect duties and imperfect ones. This focuses on reduction of ethnicity and racial tensions that we as a community must build racial and cultural identity within our individual groups. â€Å"virtue and happiness together constitute possession of the highest good in a person, and happiness distributed in exact proportion to morality (as the worth of a person and his worthiness to be happy) constitutes the highest good of a possible world† (Standford Encyclopedia, Imanuel kant , Happiness). The perfect duties that I was able to accomplish with these refugees, is the language. I speak their language which is Arabic. We define our identity as being different or unique from others, at the same time we thrive to exist and stay. As they came here they suffered misunderstanding, from language barrier toShow MoreRelatedThe Patriot Act Essay1618 Words   |  7 Pageseven watch what people are searc hing on the internet. Since the passing of the patriot act racial profiling has grown in the past years especially towards Muslims. 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